Council is seeking tenders for the construction phase of Rotorua Museum.
Wednesday 25, October 2023 | News | Rotorua Museum
Council is seeking tenders from potential contractors for the construction phase of the restoration of the Rotorua museum.
In August, the Infrastructure and Environment Committee confirmed its commitment to restore and strengthen the building as a Museum, subject to conditions that require careful project management and raising sufficient funding.
Council staff continue to work on the project towards satisfying the conditions and in September reported in confidential to the Infrastructure and Environment Committee on the procurement process. The Committee agreed to end negotiations with Hawkins Construction and to adopt a closed tender process with up to three appropriately qualified main contractors. The minutes of the decision have now been released.
“Council engaged Hawkins as an ECI (early contractor involvement) consultant during the design stage, and they provided good advice on construction feasibility of the design and contributed very effectively to the design process,” museum project executive sponsor, Rotorua Lakes Council Interim Chief Executive Gina Rangi says.
“As we now move into the construction phase for Te Whare Taonga o Te Arawa, and given the changes in the construction sector since we first appointed Hawkins, Council has decided that a multi-party closed tender process is the most commercially appropriate way forward. This will ensure that we have the most competitive pricing possible and that we have the right expertise for a build of this type.
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